Friday, September 14, 2012

Allie's 1st Birthday Fun!

A couple weekends ago we celebrated Allie Lembo's first birthday! Her mommy and daddy are very dear friends of ours! We enjoy eating, shopping and hitting farmer's markets with them. Maria is always the recepient of my first text message reagarding any and everything for Miss G! She always has the words to make me feel better or put my mind at ease! Their daughter, Allie, is adorable! She is so much fun and anytime we are together she is as happy as can be! I love how she always has her feet straight up in the air and holds her toes...gymnast in the making?! So, of course we were thrilled to celebrate such a special little lady! The party was a Peanuts theme and Maria didn't miss one detail...she did a great job! Enjoy some pictures from Allie's 1st Birthday!

Maria trying to get Allie excited about getting messy with her cake
 "I don't know about this..."
 Allie didn't want to get "messy" (she's like her daddy)
 Isn't she adorable?
 They even brought in the Kona Snow Cone truck! Giada was enjoying her dress instead of a snow cone. :)
 Maria and Giada
 Giada with the Lembos...Maria, Rick and Allie
 Giada's first goodie bag! Inside the Snoopy house was a snoopy t-shirt, a piece of a blue blanket, a necklace, mini markers,  snoopy fruit snacks and jelly bellys!
Happy Birthday Allie, We Love You!
Annie, Jason and Giada