Monday, December 27, 2010

Our First Christmas as a Mr. and Mrs.

There are so many wonderful things to note about Christmas this year. It was me and Jason's first Christmas as a married couple. I loved every second of it. Christmas Eve was spent at Jason's Grandma's house. My father in law puts on his Santa costume every year for the kids, he is such a trooper. He pretends to ride his sleigh to the front door and then knock, we answer the door and he comes in to bring the little ones gifts. It is so much fun to watch their reactions. The kids opened up a karaoke machine and the whole family had a blast! It was so joyfoul to listen to Hannah sing Jingle Bells on the microphone. Logan belted out Taylor Swift and the boys couldn't get enough "Dynomite." It was such a refereshing reminder of what Christmas is all about, family, being with the ones you love the most. No matter what, if all those people are in the same room, you know it will be a good time, a celebration of love. When we came home that night my sister came over to spend the night. It is tradition that my sister and I stay the night together every Christmas Eve. I was so excited to have her. In the morning my mom and Trevor came over and we spent the morning opening gifts and eating a delicious breakfast! We headed over to Michelle's after that to open gifts before heading to meet the whole family at Jason's Aunt Margo and Uncle Stan's house! We were very blessed this year, I am so thankful. I have married into the most amazing family, I love and adore my mother, father and sister in law. They are so gracious, caring, and supportive. When we pulled up to the Papi's we saw that the Castro's brought over the Wii and Just Dance 2, I thought karaoke was fun to watch...this was even better! No one could beat Cody, he had all the moves memorized! Food was great, cheer was felt all around, entertainment comical, company even better. Let me tell you about my favorite gift: My sister and I have been at different places the past few years and this year we got to spend the entire day together. My sister is my best friend, I can't tell you enough how much it meant to me to have her join us this Christmas. There was no better gift. On top of this I spent much of the evening holding Luke, Katie and Trav's baby boy, his smile is priceless, his snuggles heavenly. I just love that boy. The cherry on top? My husband. He has a heart of gold and it is his desire to make me smile every second of every day. My cup runneth over with love. Merry Christmas.

Hugs, Annie

Christmas Eve Pictures
Logan took this picture of J and I...
Santa, aka: Uncle Ken with Hannah Girl
Santa with Logan...
Precious Hannah and Logan
Christmas Day
My Sissy, Luke and me
Emily and Trevor
Jason and I...Our first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs.!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Christmas Tradition: English Toffee

The best memory I have of the Christmas season is making english toffee with my mom and sister. This is a recipe that has been passed down to my mom from my grandma. Weeks before Christmas every year we put on Christmas music and get out my mom's le creuset grey pot and stir away. Growing up this consisted of my sister and I being the taste testers as my mom made the candy. Now I am a grown up, I'm married. I have to carry on this tradition in my own household. So, today I ventured down this path and made my first batch of toffee in my first home with my own pot. The same smell spread throughout the house, and the familiar sound of the boiling ingredients filled the kitchen. There is so much tradition and meaning in this toffee, it is so much more to me than delicious candy. It is late night conversations with my mom and sister, it is an argument over who is going to stir (it takes forever), it is my grandma's old candy thermometer, it is a tin delivered to my favorite high school teachers, it is a pot full of love, a tradition I will continue with my kids one day. A tradition I hope means as much to my kids as it does to me so that they pass it on to their kids. This is one of those LITTLE THINGS that I love so much about Christmas. I could never imagine that a piece of candy could have so much meaning. Hold so many memories, be so special.
Merry Christmas!
Lots of stirring still to go...
Ready to eat!

Happy Birthday Michelle

On Monday night we celebrated my sister-in-law, Michelle's, Birthday. We went to dinner at the Santa Fe Basque and enjoyed a yummy ice cream cake. It is always so fun to celebrate the people we hold closest to our heart. Michelle is the most warm and welcoming person I know. She is amazing. When she smiles, the whole room does, her laughter is contagious. She has done so much for Jason and I over the last couple years. She is always worried about others and the first to call to make sure everything is going okay. Jason and Michelle are so close, they talk everyday and I think it is adorable! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful sister-in-law. I look forward to celebrating her every year. Happy Birthday Michelle! We love you!

Hugs, Annie

I didn't take a picture that night but here is one of Michelle and I at the wedding...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Early Birthday to...ME!

On Monday my friend Christina arranged a girl's lunch to celebrate my Birthday, my early Birthday! This was perfect because my Birthday is on New Year's Eve and it is that busy time of year that is so hard to get a group together! We went to Pane, one of my favorite lunch spots! Christina was so thoughtful and brought mini cupcakes, perfect for an afternoon treat, and my favorite! I had a wonderful time chit-chatting with some of my closest friends, it meant the world to me to have them there! There is just something about having all my close friends together in the same room, or at the same table that is irreplacable! It is such a comforting feeling, a place where you can be yourself. I am so thankful for the true friends I have in my life, the ones that I have created meaningful friendships with, ones that will last a lifetime. What a perfect Birthday gift, the friend I have in each of them! Thank you Christina for arranging it and thank you to all my friends who joined, it was a perfect afternoon!
Hugs, Annie

The Whole Gang!

Sophie's 6th Annual Cookie Exchange!

YUMMY! On Sunday night my friend Sophie had her annual cookie exchange. I love this event because I get to bring home a plate full of wonderful goodies! My favorite this year were peanut butter cup cookies, they were little cups with a Reeses peanut butter cup in the middle, delicious! I brought english toffee, a family trradition. I love this time of year and this is one of the events I look forward to the most, Sophie did a fabulous job, her house is always so full of cheer! Happy Holidays!
Hugs, Annie

Me, Sophie (the host) and Christina

Me and Melissa

Cheers to Kirtie and Brady!

On Saturday Jason and I had the honor to celebrate the engagement of our dear friend Kirtie and her fiance Brady! The SURPRISE engagement party was at Kiritie's house and her roommates did a fabulous job, she had no clue! When she walked in the front door and we all yelled congratulations, she was stunned and turned around to give Brady a hug, it was such a sweet moment. I couldn't hold my tears back. Kirsten has been such a great friend to me, she always makes me laugh and is always so excited for her friends. She is gung ho and always makes an effort to celebrate her friends so I was so excited to celebrate her! This is only the beginning, we have so much to celebrate from now until the big day! Kirtie and Brady are perfect for each other, he lights her up. When Brady talks about Kirtie you can see the adoration he has for her in his eyes. They are perfect for each other. I can't wait to continue to bless this relationship and celebrate the love they share! Cheers to Kirsten and Brady, two of the most wonderful people!

Hugs, Annie
P.S. Thanks Shayna I stole your pictures because I forgot my camera!
Kirtie walking into the surprise...

All the girls celebrating Kirtie and Brady!
Here are some picture of Kirtie and I through my wedding process...can't wait to do all this with you Kirtie!

All the Bachelorette trip!

Jenn, Kirtie, Me and Emily in the hotel about to head out...

Jenn, Kirtie, Me and EmilyThe beautiful couple...soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Bernhoft!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Personal Reflection

When I run I love to reflect, it is typically the time where I can clear my mind and really reflect on life. I never know what thought will pop into my head and I don't plan it, it just happens, and it's awesome. Last night on my run I began relecting on my frustrations as a teacher, at first my thoughts were jumbled bouncing from hours put in compared to pay, student achievement, questioning how big of a difference I am making etc. As these thoughts began to settle down I remembered a conversation I once had with a colleague, and this is the part where it gets good. I began reflecting on how each one of my students was God's creation, how He loves each one so much and how He has called me as a teacher to love them the same way He loves them. It was at this moment that the jumbled thoughts I had tossed back and forth minutes before became ever so clear. I don't work for money, power, possesions, and self-worth, for these things are selk-seeking. I work to spread God's love, to care about kids because for some, their teacher is all they have. I work to give kids opportunities, to model how to love and care about others so that someday when they grow up they can inspire others to do the same. It is not always easy and when I left work today I was beating myself up again, and then I was reminded who I am working for. It's not about what I am getting, it is about what I can give. Hope everyone has opportunities and time to reflect on what is really important in life and count each and every blessing!


This is what it's all about...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Hostess with the Mostest: Christina Patricio

Last night my friend Christina had her girls' Christmas party and everything was wonderful. Christina is one of those people that makes you feel like a million bucks; no matter what, she always has a compliment for you. Christina has a gift. She makes every one of her friends feel important in her life. She is one of those friends that calls just to tell you that The Rack got a new shipment of Juicy and to get there fast or send you a text message when she is somewhere that reminds her of you. It's those little things that make you feel special in Christina's life and I love her for it! She is a bottle of energy and loves to pour her heart into planning parties and trips! It paid off for her with this party, everything was perfect! The appetizers were amazing, her house beautiful as always, her games a hit, drinks were delicious, and her attitude first class. I enjoyed catching up with old friends, and connecting with new. Thank you Christina for a fun night filled with laughter and joy, as always, you knew just what I needed!
Hugs, Annie
Me and my beautiful sissy!

Emily, Me, Sophie and Melissa

Beautiful Stacy

Wonderful friends, Christina is on my left...the hostess

Christmas is Complete!

On Sunday Jason ventured out to complete the last Christmas project...stringing the lights on the house! He called Travis Demanby to come over and help out, and like the good friend he always is, Travis came over with Logan to lend a hand. While Jason and Trav were out stringing the lights Logan and I were inside cleaning; she was a great helper! As we were cleaning I couldn't help but start to think about what wonderful parents Katie and Trav are. Logan followed me from place to place cleaning without complaining one time, she was eager to help and we had great conversation. I think this is a true testiment to what great parents they truly are, they have made a big enough impact on Logan that she understands how to be respectful, and use good manners even when her parents are not there with her. For many children being left alone with someone other than their parents is a free ticket to bend and break the rules. I tip my hat to Katie and Travis for raising such a beautiful and smart girl. It is posts like these that I based the title of my blog on. It is the little things that matter most in life, it is the moments we share stringing Christmas lights with our best friends, the conversations we have with children as we clean the house and the hugs we get when the day winds down. Thank you Travis for helping out and thank you Katie for sharing your daughter with me for a few hours. When I begin to want, when I begin to feel insufficient, when I become discontent is when I need to step back to moments like these and soak it all in. It's the little things that bring the most joy, it's the little things that make us laugh and it's the little things that last.

Hugs, Annie
My best little buddy...Logan helping me clean

Jason and Trav after a job well done!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sonora: 6th Grade Camp

I spent the last week in Sonora with my 6th grade class. The students look forward to this trip from the moment they start school and it was wonderful to be a part of it. The day before we left we were informed that 3 feet of snow had fallen on our campsite in a freak storm, wow, way to initiate me my first year at camp! However, the kids were even more excited that we would be spending the week in the snow. We spent the week hiking through snow filled trails, completing team challenges, and testing ourselves by completing activities we wouldn't normally do. I did not know when I left for Sonora that I would be pushed to my limits and try new things like high ropes and riding a zip line. It was a wonderful time to bond with my students and see some of them push themselves further than I had even imagined they would. I loved watching them play in the snow, this was something new for them, they never see snow in Fresno, for some of them it was the first time they had seen snow. On the bus ride home I sat in the front seat listening to my students' conversations, even though they were exhausted they couldn't stop talking about all the had done and learned at camp, it made me smile. It is moment's like these when I am reminded of the innocence of these 6th grade students. These are memories I will never forget!
Hugs, Annie

Oh Christmas Tree!

Last Friday we headed out Christmas tree shopping! We hopped in the car and headed to Hallain Harvest, Jason's friend, Christian, owns a Christmas tree lot, so we knew he would help us pick out the perfect tree! I have not had a real tree since I was a little girl. I remember walking up and down the tree lot with my mom and dad for what seemed like forever because my mom was so picky! Little did I know I would marry one of those picky tree shoppers, but sure enough, Jason was bound and determined to find the perfect tree! At one point Christian asked us if we wanted to move in! Finally, after searching, we found the perfect tree, it was tall and pretty skinny, not too fat, just what we were looking for. We loaded it up and took it home! Once we got it in the house I was shocked, that tree that didn't look too big was HUGE in our house, but perfect! I had forgotten how wonderful a real tree makes the house smell and I am reminded every time I walk in my house! I just love the smell of Christmas! On Saturday we strung the lights, wrapped the garland and hung the ornaments! I took a trip down memory lane as I hung some of my ornaments, it is so fun to reflect on childhood memories and share the stories with Jason! I was so pleased with how our first tree turned out, it is just what I had imagined! I did my best to take a picture, but it just does not do the tree justice but I will post a picture anyway! Happy Holidays!

