In November we found out that we are expecting a sweet baby GIRL! I could not be more excited to play dress up. I dream of big bows and tutus when I close my eyes at night! But beyond that, that which every girl dreams of, I feel incredibly lucky to be having a daughter. Growing up I cherished the time I spent with my mom, the late night talks, the shopping trips, being my nurse when I was sick, the advice, the fights, and everything in between. There are still days and times when I might break down and cry and all I can say is, "I want my mom." There is no one that can make you feel quite as good, or calm you down as much as your mom. I can't wait to share this with my daughter. AND I can't WAIT to watch Jason with his baby girl! Yes, Jason is all boy, lives for coaching baseball, loves any and all sports. BUT, those of you who have seen him with little girls know he HAD to have one and that his life as he knows it is over! She will have her daddy's heart the moment he sees her, actually she already does. I was a daddy's girl, I loved my daddy, I know our sweet Giada (yes, we already have her named) will be the same way! After we left the doctor's office we were so excited, we couldn't wait to tell so we planned our revealing party! We called our family to invite them over for some pizza and the big news! We hit Frosted to order some cupcakes with pink filling and headed home to get set. We had a wonderful night of celebrating with our family. I loved watching them all come in and mark their guess as a boy, I was dying inside! The majority thought we were having a boy! Thank you to our family who were just as excited about the news as we were, you mean the world to us and we can't wait for Giada to meet all her wonderful grandparents, aunties and uncles, and cousins! Giada Rose: We are so excited to meet you. I dream about you every day, what you will look like, what you will sound like, things you will love, things you will hate, what hobbies you will have and how much joy you will bring to our lives. We love you so much, all 9 ounces of you! (that is how big you are right now). Here are some fun pictures...
Logan wanted "pink" and she was one of the few who were right!
Katie wore her blue, Logan her pink
Our first name initials, M (won't tell what it is) for a boy and G for Giada
The votes are in and as you can see the majority thought BOY...I think 18 to 6

My sissy (who is so excited for a girl) and Derek
Me, Katie and Annie (we missed you Lisa)...two amazing women Giada will have in her life!
Me and my sissy, hope Giada will be as lucky as me and Jason in the siblings department!
All the men whose hearts Giada will melt...
All the amazing role models Giada will have...
My Dad...excited for his first grandchild!
My mother in law about to take her first bite to see pink or blue?
Sissy, why do you look so guilty? Could it be that you cheated?! :)
My mom was just a tad excited to see the pink!
Here is the video of when everyone took their first bite into the cupcakes, watch my mom, it's hilarious!
Hugs, Annie and Jason