Monday, October 15, 2012

Dear Giada

You, my peanut, have changed my existence. You are just this little slice of perfection so dependant upon your dad and me. I don't want to mess it up, I want to give you your perfect life, whatever you decide that may be. It is the least I can do for the love you have brought to my life and for the gift of change you have given me. Before you silly things mattered to mommy, little things seemed like such a big deal. Today, I would rather stay at home with you and sacrifice shopping, dinners out, lavish trips out of town, and bi-weekly manicures and pedicures. Those things don't truly bring happiness, they are fun and I enjoy them but not like I used to. I enjoy you more. The desire in my heart my whole life has been to be a mommy, but I never knew what a fulfilling dream and desire that would be. I never knew I would get this perfect angel. I never knew it would allow me to re-evaluate my life. I have realized that the desires I have for your life were falling short in my life. You are re-focusing my idea of what is important in life. What to not waste time on and what to invest in more. Some of the things I don't want for you I was allowing in my life.  I want you to have friendships that build you up, confidence that soars above the mountain tops, dreams that aren't held back by fear to take risks, the ability to laugh at yourself and not take everything in life too seriously, a love for Jesus so big that allows for unwavering faith, and a heart so big it aches to do for others. I will be by your side every step of the way, that I promise you. I just ask that you have grace with me. I may will mess up. I will make you mad. I won't ever give up, I will always fight for you and I will do my best to teach you right from wrong. I will love you with my whole heart every single second of every single day. And I will always be grateful for the change you brought into my life on May 14th, 2012. Giada Rose, you have made me a better version of myself, a more selfless version (with so much more to go) with a melted heart. I know you won't understand these words for a long time but when you do I can't wait to share them with you. You are mommy's world. Thank you for bringing so much joy to daddy and me. Thank you for being the change that I was desperately longing for.

I love you to the moon and back,